Data Source

Learn about data source.

What is a Data Source?

Data Source is any origin from which data is ingested into GlassFlow pipelines. Data Sources can be databases, streaming services, or real-time applications that generate events that need to be processed.

Ways to Connect to Data Sources

Managed Connectors

Managed Connectors are fully managed services and provide seamless, out-of-the-box connectivity to common data sources. These integrations are fully supported and maintained by the GlassFlow team. These integrations make it easier to connect to data sources without infrastructure setup.

  • Example Use Case: Integrating well-known services like Amazon S3, Google PubSub, or Azure Event Grid.

Community Connectors

Community connectors are shared integrations developed and maintained by the GlassFlow community. These connectors are free to use and have open-source code hosted on the GlassFlow GitHub repo.

  • Example Use Case: Connecting to a widely used data source with an existing community connector or code for the implementation.

Python SDK

Use Python SDK to create a custom data source connector for your specific data source. Python SDK lets you send data from any data source to the GlassFlow pipelines in Python code.

  • Example Use Case: You need to integrate with a data source that does not have a community connector or built-in GlassFlow integration.

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