
Release notes for GlassFlow WebApp

Version: 1.5.0

  • Added support for full requirements.txt editing to include external Python libraries

  • Added ClickHouse DataSink Connector

Version: 1.4.8

  • Updated Getting Started Guide Link to Docs

Version: 1.4.7

  • Ensure that a User Profile is created, if one is not found upon attempted login (This triggers a Signup if a user presses login, but has not signed up before)

Version: 1.4.6

  • Ensure that Data Sink Connector Details are validated

Version: 1.4.5

  • Added Cookie Banner via Hubspot.

  • Also added a button to bring up the preferences again, in the User Menu

  • Added Hubspot Conversations Widget.

  • Added Privacy Policy Link to User Menu.

  • Added Indicator for External Links in the User menu.

Version: 1.4.4

  • Support mobile Screen sizes on Unauthenticated Pages.

  • Added Mobile Overlay for all Authenticated Pages (letting the user know that he needs a bigger screen to use the App).

Version: 1.4.3

Date: August 20, 2024

  • Updated all Modals to have a blurred background, allowing for better focus on the Modal itself on the GlassFlow WebApp.

  • Added support for Webhook Sink Connector.

Version: 1.4.2

Date: July 30, 2024

  • Added Getting Started Guide to Pipeline Detail Section.

  • Added support for New Source Connectors.

  • Refresh Logs automatically every 20 seconds

  • Also allows for a forced refresh once every 20 seconds.

  • Updated Docs URL.

Version: 1.4.1

Date: July 10, 2024

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the use of the App when User settings were not initialized correctly.

  • Added support for langchain-community dependency.

Version: 1.4.0

Date: July 8, 2024

  • A new unauthenticated page for login and signup.

  • Redirect to the Pipeline Detail Page after creating a new pipeline.

  • Removed Space ID from Pipeline Detail Page.

  • Added AI Anomaly Detection Template with automatic dependency adjustment.

  • Minor styling fixes for Logs Tab.

  • Updated design system to v3.0 with improved dark mode colors

Version: 1.3.9

Date: July 5, 2024

  • Bugfix for edge case with old pipelines that contain no transformer file.

Version: 1.3.3

Date: July 1, 2024

  • Refactored Transformer Step in PipelineCreate Flow.

  • Added built-in editor for Python (defaults to code of Echo Handler).

  • Added Transformer Template Choices.

  • File Upload now populates the Editor.

  • Added Editor Settings.

  • Added the Transformer Tab to the Pipeline Detail Page with the same editor concept.

  • Added Explanation & Documentation link to Spaces Page.

  • Switched Login to Redirect instead of Popup Mode.

  • Renamed Producer to Data Source.

  • Renamed Consumer to Data Sink.

Version: 1.3.2

Date: June 14, 2024

  • Added animations for initial page load, page transitions, step transitions in PipelineCreate, and tab transitions in PipelineDetail.

  • Improved handling of no AccessTokens on the PipelineDetail page, allowing new AccessToken creation if none exists.

  • Always allow the creation of a new Space at the start of PipelineCreate, not just when no Spaces exist.

Version: 1.3.1

Date: June 7, 2024

  • New Pipeline Creation Flow.

  • New Multi-Step process of creating pipelines.

  • An option to show Pipeline Credentials on the Pipeline Details Page.

  • Users can open the Quick Start Guide link from Empty Pipelines View in a new Tab.

Version: 1.2.11

Date: May 21, 2024

  • Option to Copy Configuration File - copying all Relevant pieces of information for the GlassFlow pipelines at once.

Last updated


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