Create a pipeline

This page explains how to create a new data pipeline in GlassFlow.

GlassFlow pipeline ingests real-time data from data sources, applies a custom transformation function, and sends it to data destinations continuously.

Creating a Pipeline with the WebApp

Use the GlassFlow WebApp to create and manage data pipelines in a low-code UI interface.

  1. Log in to GlassFlow WebApp:

  2. Create a New Space:

    • Go to the “Spaces” page and create a new space named MySpace to organize your pipelines.

  3. Create a New Pipeline:

    • Within the new space, go to the “Pipelines” page and click “Create Pipeline.”

    • Provide a name for the pipeline, e.g., MyPipeline.

    • Choose the space you created (e.g., MySpace).

  4. Configure a Data Source:

    • Choose the type of data source you wish to connect to (e.g., databases, message queues, Webhook).

    • Provide the necessary connection details and credentials.

      • If select the "SDK" option, this requires you to implement the logic for sending data to the GlassFlow pipeline GlassFlow SDK.

  5. Add Transformation Stage (Optional):

    • To transform the incoming data, add a transformation function in GlassFlow.

    • Use the built-in visual editor or write custom transformation code to process the incoming data. For example:

    import json
    def handler(data, log):"Echo:" + json.dumps(data))
        return data
  6. Configure a Data Sink:

    • Select the destination for your processed data (e.g., databases, message queues, Webhook).

    • Provide necessary connection details and configurations.

    • If select the "SDK" option, this requires you to implement the logic for consuming data from the GlassFlow pipeline.

  7. Confirm Pipeline Creation:

    • Review your pipeline configuration and click “Create Pipeline.”

    • Copy the new Pipeline ID and Access Token for accessing the pipeline from Python SDK or external services.

Creating a Pipeline with the CLI

Use the CLI tool to create and manage pipelines easily.


Create a New Space

Create a new space with <space_name> where one or more pipelines are contained.

glassflow space create <space_name>

After creating the space successfully, you will get a SpaceID in the terminal.

Create a New Pipeline

Create a new pipeline with <pipeline_name> in the existing space:

glassflow pipeline create <pipeline_name> --space-id=<space_id> --function=<location_of_transformation_function>

Parameters Explained

  • <pipeline_name>: This is a name for your pipeline. Choose a name that reflects the purpose of the pipeline for easier management and reference.

  • --space=<space_id>: Specify the workspace or "space" where your pipeline will be created. Spaces help organize and isolate your pipelines to manage projects and collaborate with team members.

  • --function=<location_of_transformation_function>: Points to the location of the Python script containing your transformation logic. This script must include a handle a function that defines how incoming data is processed.

After successfully creating the pipeline, you will get a PipelineID and Access Token in the terminal.

See how to retrieve the pipeline credentials using GlassFlow CLI or WebApp.


Suppose you want to create a pipeline named "weather-data-processing" in a space called "climate-analytics" and your transformation function is located at ./transformations/

The command would look like this:

glassflow pipeline create weather-data-processing --space-id={your_space_id}


See how to publish data to the pipeline.

Last updated


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