Google Pub/Sub

Overview of Google Pub/Sub managed source connector.

The Google Pub/Sub connector allows you to publish events directly to the GlassFlow pipeline from Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Connector Details

To configure the Google Pub/Sub connector, you will need the following details:

  • Google Cloud Project ID: The ID of your Google Cloud project.

  • Pub/Sub Subscription ID: The name of the Pub/Sub topic where the events will be published.

  • Google Cloud Credentials JSON: The ID of the subscription from which you want to consume messages.

Obtaining Connection Credentials

Follow the step-by-step guidance from Google to set up a Google Cloud console project and perform basic tasks in Pub/Sub using the Google Cloud console.

  1. Project ID: You can find your Project ID in the Google Cloud Console under the "Project Info" section on the dashboard.

  2. Pub/Sub Subscription ID:

    • Navigate to the Pub/Sub section.

    • Select your topic and find the subscription ID under the "Subscriptions" tab.

  3. Service Account Key:

    • Go to the Service Accounts page in the Google Cloud Console.

    • Select your project.

    • Click Create Service Account.

    • Fill in the required details and click Create.

    • Assign the Pub/Sub Subscriber role to the service account.

    • Click Done and then Manage Keys for the service account you created.

    • Click Add Key > Create New Key.

    • Choose JSON and click Create. A JSON file will be downloaded to your computer.

Setting Up the Google Pub/Sub Connector

  1. Log in to the GlassFlow WebApp and navigate to the "Pipelines" section.

  2. Create a new pipeline.

  3. Configure the Data Sink:

    • Choose "Google Pub/Sub" as the data source type.

    • Enter your Google Cloud Project ID, the Pub/Sub Subscription ID, and copy and paste the Credentials JSON file content.

  4. Click Next Step and confirm your pipeline data source settings.

Once configured, your GlassFlow pipeline will start consuming events from the specified Google Pub/Sub.

Last updated


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